Here are two of my favorite cookie cutters recently. Who doesn’t love an Ice cream corn and cupcake (right?) These are so sweet looking and it’d make perfect Valentine’s day cookies! You can add a heart shape of course. Hope you’re having nice start of February!
前にも少し載せた最近のお気に入りクッキー型 x2のアイスクリームとカップケーキ型☆ この2つを使うだけで可愛い感じになるしデコレーションもしやすいのでお勧めです。これは少し前に違うギフト用に作ったんだけどバレンタインっぽい気がしたので無理矢理バレンタインデークッキーとして載せてしまいます。ちょうどピンクだし。。これにハート型を加えたらばっちり! と言う事で.. もう2月だ〜
* I used to use #2 & 3 tip for icing, but prefer #2 size only now.
* 以前は#2と3のチップを使ってたけど最近は2だけのが綺麗に仕上がる気がしてます。
valentine’s day : homemade dark chocolate
Have you ever tried to make homemade chocolate? Me? I’ve tried some recipes with chocolate, but had no idea I can make chocolate itself until I came across her amazing blog and found this recipe. It’s super easy and taste just amazing. My husband is a chocoholic and he loves it too. The best thing is that we can adjust the sweetness and there is no white sugar in it. How perfect is that? I used heart-shaped mold for Valentine’s day, but you can make any shapes you want. Even if you’re not a chocoholic, this is a recipe is definitely worth a try! *My hubby’s favorite was a blueberry one. Ingredients : 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder, 1/2 cup melted coconut oil, 1/3 cup honey, a few dashes of sea salt, * plus any add ins you like
今までチョコを使ったお菓子は色々作ってきたけど、チョコレート自体を作れるとは知らなかった..! 材料を入れて混ぜるだけでとっても簡単で美味しいダークチョコレートができました。蜂蜜だけでお砂糖は入ってないし、甘さを調節できる所も素敵。今回♥型を使ったけどどんな形にもできるし簡単なので是非試してみて下さい。使ったこのレシピの様に簡単板チョコでも◎。日本はバレンタインと言えばチョコなイメージだしぎりぎりになっちゃったけどギフトにも♥ 材料 : ココアパウダー 1カップ、溶かしたココナッツオイル 1/2カップ、蜂蜜 1/3カップ、 塩少々、お好みの中身(今回はアーモンドとブルーベリー、苺を使いました)
3. Place the mold with chocolate into the freezer and freeze for about 30 minutes or until it is set 3. 型を冷凍庫に入れ(冷蔵庫でもすぐ固まりました)30分、か固まるまで冷やす
Thank you so much for your support :)
valentine’s day : heart shaped pancakes
Thank you so much for your support :)
valentine wishlist
Valentine’s day is around the corner, and stores are filled with heart-shaped items (did we just have Christmas?) So I drew some of the items I found it pretty and great for the valentine’s day gift. Here are the details, hoping you like them too!
– Jennifer Zeuner Love necklace : I’ll be wearing it all year long
– Demeter Fragrance : There are sooo many scents to choose from
– Tory Burch Bracelet : I love the gold logo studs
– Acme Chalkboards : I’ve had a crash on a Chalkboard lately. So fun and pretty
– Pink Roses : Any flowers my love gives me makes me happy
– Love Paperweight : I believe this brighten up my office space. A lot
– Heart Pillow : It might be too cute for my hubby, but I wouldn’t mind at all
Thank you so much for your support :)