valentine’s day : heart shaped pancakes

The other day, I made a pancake for myself which looked pretty bad (didn’t add enough water). So I decided to cut it with my cookie cutters. It turned out okay, but then I wanted to make more and better ones! Looking through photos on pinterest made me want to make nothing but heart shapes now (never realized we can make anything into heart shapes!). There are so many more I want to try, so let’s see if I can make it before Valentine’s day. * I used a cookie cutter, it turned out good, but this would make it much easier for sure.


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10 thoughts on “valentine’s day : heart shaped pancakes

  1. Aulia Amalina

    hiii thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a sweet comment! You have a great blog! the pancake looks yummy~! Oishiisou~ ><
    following you now, please follow me back^^
    will be waiting.

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