baked vegetable chips

The kale chips I posted before, became the most frequent recipe for us ever since. Omar loves it, especially with his favorite sandwiches. So I decided to make vegetable chips as well. The first time I baked them at 350F, they burned them quickly (and thick ones weren’t crispy at all). After researching a bit, I tried 200-230F and baked for more than an hour. They came out good, but some were not crispy enough. They’re harder than Kale chips, which never fails, but hopefully I’ll get it better next time.


Thank you so much for your support :)

13 thoughts on “baked vegetable chips

  1. Heather

    OOO YES! Def. going to give this a try! I love the Terra veggie chips but they are sooooo expensive.



    Wowo this looks so yummy I have to try this! Have you checked my latest posts about my recent trip to New York City? Would love if you visit and let me know what you think.:)
    Take care

  3. ellalogy

    Oh wow Akiko, I really want to try this recipe! I buy these kinds of chips from the supermarket but making them at home is such a good idea! I bet they’re delicious :)

  4. Kiwi Fashion Blog

    You know I love baked veggie chips but I have always just bought then from the store! I should start making them myself that way I can control the amount of salts being out on them! Definitely alot healthier that way :)

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