After I finally got an idea of Pinterest, I started to develop an addiction. Either fashion, food or interior, they’re full of ideas. Millions Gazillion..! Now I’m dreaming more about having a nice place, where I can decorate whatever I want. Here are some cool ideas.. *image via Pinterest
1. Laddar for rack. Cool way to display a plant and save space for garage.
2. Bulb ball lighting. How amazing are they? I also love the black cabinets.
3. Dark grey wall. It can be a chalk board too.
4. Black and white picture frames, with black and white everything.
1. はしごを棚に使用。観葉植物もおしゃれに見えるし物置きのスペースも空いて◎
2. 電球そのままの照明。何度かレストラン等で見た事あるけどこのアイディア大好き
3. 濃いグレーの壁。全部この色だと暗くなるかもだけど一面だけで他は白の壁で素敵
4. 白黒のみの額+モノクロの写真。カラフルな可愛いデスクも好きだけどモノクロもいいなぁ
Thank you so much for your support :)
interior ideas
- gray x black
- apple pie