
floral pants

It seems like floral prints are one of the biggest trends for spring, and I’ve seen many lovely looks. It’s time to for me to draw something pretty too. I personally love to wear it with a plain white tee.


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all star

Do you own Converse shoes? It seems like everywhere, but still I’d like to have one (or more)! I used to have Off-white pairs which I really loved, but the pastel colors are so pretty too. Ummm.. Anyway, I had fun coloring my converse drawings :)

昔持ってたコンバースのスニーカー。最近又欲しいけど何色にしようか迷い中。前持ってて良く履いてたオフホワイトも捨てがたいけどパステルカラーも可愛いし。イラストは何色でも塗れるし楽しく描けました☆ って何も塗ってない白が一番良く見えるのは私だけ?沢山塗ったのに。

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recovery items

I was going to draw a spring wish list, but it made more sense to me to draw items I’ve been surrounded by past couple of days. Yes, I got cold and have been experiencing different symptoms everyday.. My friend brought me these items when I was in bed (feeling awful), and I really appreciate her kindness. Thanks to her, I recovered enough to draw something like this now.  


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sweet holidays


I always love sweets, especially cute decorated holiday sweets. Some are not necessary a holiday one, but so pretty that makes me want to draw. What is your favorite sweets? Hope all have a happy holidays! p.s. Today is the last day to enter my Portrait Giveaway! I’ll email the winner tomorrow and also announce it on the giveaway page. Thank you!

甘い物はいつも大好きですが、特にこの時期に出てくるスイーツは見た目も可愛くてたまらないっ。別にホリデーの物ではないのもありますが、可愛いので混ぜて描いてみました。好きなスイーツはありますか?Happy Holidays!

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mans up

I love the trend of feminine menswear, and here’s the items I’d love to own. I had lots of fun to draw these. Do you have any favorite items?


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