
trend alert : valentino studded shoes

valentino studded shoesValentino studded shoes has been a big hit and there are so many varieties I didn’t even know, from elegant heels to flat sandals. Which pairs are your favorite? I definitely like the flat sandals, but also love the heels wearing with very casual outfit such as boyfriend’s jeans with simple tee!
* They are pretty pricy but I found some replicas. See below!

今年はビルケンシュトックがダントツ人気ですが、ハイエンドなブランドだとValentinoのスタッズシリーズが一番かな? ヒールをよく目にしてたけど、バレエシューズ風フラットやカジュアルなサンダルまで沢山でてるみたいです。エレガント風なヒールをBoyfriendデニムとかカジュアルな服に合わせて履くのが素敵☆ かなり高額だけどそっくりなレプリカも沢山出てる様です

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trend alert: wide pants + flat sandals

I just realized it’s been about a year since I posted about Birkenstock, and the Birkenstock-ish sandals are literally everywhere now. You see them right? As I mentioned before, I’m still not so into the birks (as fashion), but love the flat sandals we can find this Spring/Summer season. Especially the combination with wide pants. It’s hard to pull it off (I need more height!), but it looks extra cool when people like Kaitlyn of Modern Legacy wear the combinations. Always fun to draw someone inspires me!

見てみたらちょうど1年前にBirkenstockの記事を書いてたけど、今年の春夏はまさにどのブランドも同じ様なサンダルを出してますね。ファッションとしてのBirksサンダルはあまり惹かれないけど(普段の買い物とかには良さそうだが)、沢山でてる他のフラットサンダルは惹かれるっ。イラスト描くために色々サイト見てたら欲しくなってきちゃった。。特にワイドパンツをフラットの組み合わせは中々着こなしが難しいけどイラストに描いたブロガーのKaitlynみたいにスタイルがいい人が着ると素敵! この春夏一押しの組み合わせです☆
Here are some of flat shoes I picked. * Kaitlyn wore 1. Common Projects sandals
1. Common Project slide sandals
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trend alert : mansur gavriel

I’m not sure when I first saw Mansure Gavriel‘s beautiful bags, but ever since it’s been on my wishlist. It may be little late but I have to post them as I’m so in love with the simple clean look, which says.. “inspired by natural textures, pop colors, clean lines and simple shapes, the collection evokes italy in the 60’s or a classic california easiness”. I had fun drawing them and the color combinations are nothing but awesome.

少し前からじわじわと人気が出てきてるMansure Gavrielのバッグ。上質なイタリアンレザーを使ったシンプルなラインで(基本はイラストに描いたバケットかトートのみ)裏の色が選べるのもユニークで◎。シンプルで良いものを長く使いたい人達に大人気なバッグです。私も欲しい..!

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trend alert : pink

I’m happy to see the pink color trend came back. I haven’t seen many of them on street yet, but have seen quite a few on the blogosphere. The Asos Cocoon Coat is my favorite especially. It was fun to draw this illustration because of the cute coloring!

少し前から多くでてきたピンクのアイテム達。まだあまり外では見かけないけどウェブやブログではよく見る様になった可愛い小物やコートを描いてみました。久しぶりにピンクばかり使ったけどやっぱり可愛い色で描いてて気分も上がった! 描いたアイテム全部好きだけど特にAsosのコクーンコートが形も色も好みでお気に入り

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trend alert : backpack

I’m happy to see some of cool backpacks lately as I used to use them a lot and personally love them (I just kind of forget about them since it’s been so long!). I mean when I use them, 1. I have both hands available, 2. It weights both sides of my body as I tend to carry my purse only on my right side. The only downside is.. watch out for pickpockets? Do you like backpacks?


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